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WIAA to Bring Back Slowpitch Softball this Fall 

May 1, 2018 


Could girls slowpitch softball be coming back to a high school near you?

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association Executive Board voted at its April 22 meeting to revitalize the girls’ slowpitch softball season beginning with the fall season of 2018-19 school year with the potential for a WIAA State Championship tournament in 2019-20 pending the number of participating schools.

Slowpitch softball, originally adopted  by the WIAA in 1978-79, was discontinued when participation dwindled throughout the 1990’s. By 2003, all WIAA classifications had transitioned to fastpitch softball with the last WIAA slowpitch softball championship being held in 2002.

The WIAA cited the reemergence of the sport being offered in several leagues including the Greater Spokane League, Greater Saint Helen’s League and the Columbia Basin Big 9 as impetus for the decision. The Executive Board saw a rekindled interest in the sport and reintroduced a sanctioned fall season.


“Due to increasing interest in a fall sports season for slowpitch softball, the WIAA is pleased to announce that an official season will begin this fall,” said WIAA Executive Board President Lori Wyborney. “This is a great opportunity to reach more female athletes and increase the number of students who get the benefits of competitive athletics.” 


As opposed to year past, the slow pitch season will take place in the fall, while fast pitch will remain in the spring allowing students to participate in both of the similar sports.  


- Doug Lange 


* Information via WIAA press release used in this story




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