Background photo: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
We Interrupt our Normal Programming for SUMMER!
June 9, 2019
- Doug Lange Bellingham
If you’ve spent anytime on FB this weekend you are well aware graduation is upon us Whatcom County! Those high schools that haven’t already sent the class of 2019 off in style will do so this coming week along with WWU & WCC. As the year comes to an end, The Doug Lange Network wants to wish all the student-athlete graduates the best and thank them for letting me chronicle their achievements this past year. My advice…enjoy your summer!
With some not so subtle nudging from my wife, I am heeding my own advice. If you knew me in my radio days, you are familiar with my workaholic ways. Not going down that path again. So, a year and a half after launching this site and little hobby of mine, combined with celebrating my 52nd birthday a few days ago, it seemed like a perfect time for this old guy to take a much needed break!
There’s plenty of archived content on the site. Thanks to all those that helped me compile it and as always to everybody for checking it out! I may post a few things from time to time. On social media or a podcast, interview or random story here or there. I have a few blogs in me about this whole adventure and the people who have helped along the way! Otherwise I’ll be exploring options and contemplating what’s next while the sun is shining.
Next stop, the hammock and the grill…enjoy summer and beyond!
- Doug